Created in 2009, SanctuaryTV acts as a living archive of our events. Produced by our dedicated team of interns and volunteers, our event documentation showcases the concepts, ideas, and people that are central to our mission: how art, science, and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice, and freedom of creative expression.

Our archive extends beyond what is currently available through SanctuaryTV. With two decades of events and productions, hundreds of which are not yet accessible online, we are always in search of media archive interns and volunteers!

Those interested in media archiving and production, please contact us at [email protected], (518) 272-2390, or fill out our volunteer application here.

Salif Keith performing "Tekere" in 2017.
Salif Keita performing, “Tekere,” 2017.

Did you know that SanctuaryTV has more than 100,000 subscribers from all over the world? We take great pride in our event documentation, which is produced by our dedicated team of interns and volunteers.

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About The Sanctuary

We use art and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of creative expression.

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