Our Mission:
We use art, science, and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice, and freedom of creative expression.
About Us:
The Sanctuary for Independent Media is a telecommunications production facility dedicated to community media arts, located in an historic former church at 3361 6th Ave, Troy, NY 12180. The Sanctuary hosts screening, production, and performance facilities, as well as trainings in media production. It is also a physical resource, as it acts as a meeting space for artists, activists, and independent media makers of all kinds.

Contact Us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (518) 272-2390
Post: The Sanctuary for Independent Media, P.O. Box 35, Troy, NY 12180
Visit: Drop-in hours are by appointment.
Volunteer: Volunteer Application
Our Staff:
To learn more about those who make the Sanctuary for Independent Media possible, please visit here.
Our History:
Media Alliance, founded in 1977, moved its headquarters to North-Central Troy in 2005. Media Alliance is run by a seven-member board of directors, all of whom are artists, environmentalists and educators located in Rensselaer County. Media Alliance is also supported by a small paid staff and scores of passionate volunteers. Our budget is largely comprised of small donations from our sustainers, alongside support from the N.Y.S. Council on the Arts, the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, the Community Foundation, and other grantors.
Media Alliance owns and operates out of The Sanctuary for Independent Media, a century-old church that has been repurposed into a telecommunications production facility dedicated to community media arts. It is a place where community-engaged interdisciplinary artists experiment with aesthetic form and challenging content. This experimentation is done with the overarching goal of shedding light on the media arts’ vital role in building and sustaining a democratic society. Additionally, the Sanctuary hosts screening, production, and performance facilities, as well as trainings in community media production.
The mission of Media Alliance is to address the common needs of nonprofit organizations by providing electronic media programs and services to artists, the public, and other organizations. These programs operate in the areas of appreciation, distribution, exhibition, preservation, production, and research. Additionally, Media Alliance has a mandate to encourage and sponsor cultural and educational activities among artists, the public, and other organizations by conducting said programs.
Land Acknowledgement:
The Sanctuary for Independent Media resides upon the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people, who are one of the many Indigenous peoples of New York State. Despite tremendous hardships and being forced from their lands, today, the Mohican community resides in present-day Wisconsin. They are collectively known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans. We honor this community, past and present, and are committed to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all.
We encourage you to learn whose land you’re on by visiting here: Native Land Digital
Who We Are and Where We’re Going, A Reflection :
In the Spring of 2022, The Sanctuary for Independent Media conducted a think tank which consisted of 12, 1 hr sessions wherein Sanctuary guests, staff, and board members shared relevant knowledge, history, and forward-looking insights. This think tank was curated by Arts and Education Coordinator Branda Miller and moderated by Emily Curro and Sina Basila Hickey.
See what we learned by visiting the Sanctuary Think Tank: Spring 2022 page and by exploring the image below.