The following support material is available online at:
1. Video documentation of past workshops and samples of past work.
Youth Media Sanctuary’s “North Troy Rough Cut”
The YMS producers premiered this video at The Sanctuary for Independent Media on December 18, 2010. A collaboration with Missing Link Street Ministry, funded by The Louis and Hortense Rubin Community Fellowship and NYSCA Arts Education Projects: Community-based Learning.
Youth Media Sanctuary Spring ’11 Blog
This is a great place to see youth participant reflections, photos, and videos that document the process of our current Spring ’11 workshop from day to day.
Youth Media Sanctuary website
At this webpage, you can scroll down to see an overview, history and photos of the YMS proejct. You can also connect to link from this page to the current (spring ’11) YMS and Tech Valley High School blogs.
2. Brief bios: “YOUTH MEDIA SANCTUARY” Project, Media Alliance
Branda Miller is artist and media maker, and Professor of Media Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She has developed numerous media literacy/community education projects using electronic arts production. She has produced several models for media activism, including Witness to the Future and Art of the State/State of the Art? (Deep Dish TV). She is also an Emmy award-winning editor who has worked extensively in the media industry of Los Angeles and New York City. She is the Arts and Education Coordinator at the Sanctuary.
Andrew Lynn is a media worker (producer, shooter, editor, graphic design) and artist based in Troy, NY. Andrew holds an MFA from RPI and is an adjunct professor at Hudson Valley Community College. He has taught video production, digital imaging, stop-motion animation, and media literacy at The Ark Community Charter School, Hudson Valley Community College, Children’s’ Media Project, and Eyebeam. Andrew is also the creator of Whirl-Mart and Troy Bike Rescue, and has co-directed documentaries including Still We Ride and Independent Media in A Time of War, among other short videos and animations. He is a past Education and Development Manager for the Youth Channel at the Manhattan Neighborhood Network.
Steve Pierce, Executive Director of New York Media Alliance, is a media activist and multi-media producer with extensive experience in media reform and sound production, and current He teaches Radio Production and Ethics of Technology at RPI, where he received a PhD from the Department of Science and Technology Studies. His past jobs experiences in media reform include: Executive Director, Deep Dish TV Network, New York NY, 1989-92, Assistant Manager, Pacifica Radio WBAI, New York NY, 1988-89, Program Director, WWOZ Radio, New Orleans, LA, 1987-88, and Journalist, New Orleans LA, 1980-87.
Victoria Kereszi is a media artist, educator and curator. She received an M.A. in Documentary Film & Gender Studies, NYU, and is founder/director of Eyebeam: Women Behind the Lens video series. She was Director of Programming at MNN, and is currently in RPI’s MFA program.
Ellie Markovitch is a photo-journalist and artist. Born in Brazil, she has worked in France and the U.S She is currently in the MFA program at the Arts Department.
Bhawin Suchak is an educator, filmmaker and multimedia producer who works with emerging technologies as tools to further expression, communication, and connection especially for communities of the margins. He has been a teacher at The Albany Free School for 10 years, and is the founder and project director of Youth FX, a summer filmmaking program for teens based out of Grand Street Community Arts, a neighborhood based non-profit art center in the South End of Albany, NY. He has worked with youth in digital film production and multimedia at several locations including: The Albany Free School, 1skate media arts in Albany and with the Museum Club afterschool program at The New York State Museum.
Youth Media Sanctuary producers: Medena Henderson, Antonio Pablon, Chelsea Kereszi,, Denise Ramos, Kayleara Miller. Produced at The Sanctuary for Independent Media; with Media Alliance, in collaboration with Missing Link Street Ministry
3. Audio and visual materials which provide evidence of the artistic quality of the work of participating artists.
View the video: “A Child Having A Child,” with Denise Ramos ; Read the press release; View and download photos.
Also, check out the Sanctuary TV index of videos to connect link to a list of productions we’ve created at The Sanctuary for Independent Media, including digital story-telling workshops, live 4-camera studio production of events, and remote productions.