March 24, 2023

Third Act, XR March 22 – 24 Protest Against Banks, Fossil Fuels

March 21st was a national day of action against the role of banks funding fossil fuels. Groups in Albany protested outside of Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America, three of the four largest offenders. In part 2 of our coverage. We hear from John Seakwood; Dr. Sohaib Chekima of the Island Center of the Capital District; Savananna Jiang of Youth Promise and Guilderland High Schools; County Legislator and SHARE co-chair Mert Simpson; and Kriti Sharma and other members of the RPI Sunrise Movement. Then, on March 23, we heard from Dancing Leaf with Extinction Rebellion speaking at their protest against banks funding fossil fuels as well as some like Bank of America funding the development of Cop City in Atlanta

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We use art and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of creative expression.

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