May 29, 2023

Say Their Names Saratoga BLM Community Outreach Event

Say Their Names, a community outreach event hosted by Saratoga Black Lives Matter, was held at Congress Park on Friday, May 26th. Food, music, and coloring activities were available. Director of Operations Samira Sangare read a poem to the audience. Those who attended, including Mayor Kim and Kristen Dart, Chairperson of the Civilian Review Board, heard speeches from BLM members Tiemogo TJ Sangare, Chandler Hickenbottom, and Lexis Figuereo.
The importance of voting in the upcoming local elections was the main focus at the end of a speech given by Chandler Hickenbottom. When stating “Although we are happy with the resolution that was passed, that’s not a ban on no-knock warrants.” her brother Lexis was referring to the Saratoga Springs Police Reform Task Force recommendation outlined in the Reinvention Plan: Toward Community Centered Justice Initiative, which requests that “…the Police Department be precluded from initiating no-knock warrants under any circumstance.” The current City Council has addressed the recommendation in the revised resolution adopted in April. No-knock warrants will not be issued under any circumstances to search residences for controlled substances. No-knock warrants can be requested in other cases with extreme circumstances. Detailed facts must be included in the warrant application explaining why an announced warrant would cause imminent danger to human life. To learn more see the links below.
By Alisha Washington for the Hudson Mohawk Radio Network.

Saratoga Springs City Council restricts no-knock warrants

The Resolution, 2021

To learn more about the Saratoga BLM group…

Learn more about Darryl Mount and SSPD.

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