June 12, 2023

Free Food Fridge Arrives on Sanctuary Campus

A brightly painted fridge with free contents has arrived on the Sanctuary campus. This fridge is part of the Free Food Fridge Albany project and is a free access point for fresh food for those who need it. Founder Jammella Anderson spoke with Hudson Mohawk Magazine’s Sina Basila Hickey about the concept, how to contribute, and why North Troy is a good place for a Free Food Fridge.
Learn more about this program and how you can support it by going to freefoodfridgealbany.com

Photo by Free Food Fridge Albany showing founder Jammella Anderson (right) with artist of fridge and CCG Lead Gardener Azuré Keahi on either side of the fridge.

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We use art and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of creative expression.

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