Dunn Landfill Opponents Speak Out Before DEC Hearing

The Rensselaer Environmental Coalition and Capital Region Mothers Out Front organized a press conference on Tuesday, August 8, in conjunction with two hearings by the state DEC on the pending permit renewal of the controversial Dunn Landfill in the City of Rensselaer. It is the largest construction and demolition debris landfill in the state. Residents and local governments for several years have been calling for the landfill to be shut down due to its closeness to a public school, noxious odors, and noise and other impacts from a hundred or so large trucks rolling down neighborhood streets daily. In part one of our coverage, we hear first from Alycia Bacon of Mothers Out Front; Rensselaer County Legislator Nina Nichols of Troy; Bob Blackman of the Justice Center; and, East Green Bush Town Supervisor Jack Conway.