December 23, 2022

HMM 12 – 22 – 22 Meghan Marohn Special

Today, on the Hudson Mohawk Magazine we bring you an end-of-year special. In this episode we will highlight Meghan Marohn– a Hudson Mohawk Magazine producer, poet, teacher, activist, and so much more. Meghan died this year, and we would like to celebrate her life and work at the Sanctuary by replaying some of her stories.

We begin by hearing from Meghan Marohn about her Troy Poem Project.

Then, she is interviewed about her work with local climate activist group Extinction Rebellion.

Later on we focus on Meghan as a Hudson Mohawk Magazine producer, beginning with an episode from her series with Dr David Borton, “Equality Under the Law: Practical Physics.”

After that, she turns to education and speaks with a local teacher who attended the Capital Region Institute for Human Rights.

And we end with one of Meghan’s poet interviews, in this interview she spoke with Avery Stempel.

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We use art and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of creative expression.

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