Reclaiming History With Dr. Edda Fields Black -On Harriet Tubman- A Black Female Patriot Part 1

Dr. Edda L. Fields-Black is Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of History. She is author of Roots: Rice Farmers in West Africa and the African Diaspora and Rice: Global Networks and New Histories and executive producer and librettist of Unburied, Unmourned, Unmarked: Requiem for Rice, the first full symphonic work with three-time Emmy Award winning classical music composer, John Wineglass.
In Part 1 of this episode of Reclaiming History with Lovonia Mallory subtitled, On Harriet Tubman- Black Female Patriot, Dr Fields-Black discusses her upcoming book ‘Combee’: Harriet Tubman, the Combahee River Raid, and Black Freedom during the Civil War (Oxford University Press).