Fair Pay for Home Care

Agnes McCray works for ARISE in Syracuse, which is part of the independent living center network across the state (Membership organization is New York Association on Independent Living). She testified alongside others supportive of the NY Caring Majority.
Katy Carroll, disabled woman from the Capital Region and volunteer with NY Caring majority, interviewed Agnes and shared this:
The Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA turned 31 years old on Monday, and it is not just about nondiscrimination in employment, curb cuts/ramps, accessible restrooms at your favorite restaurant, or lifts on buses. Homecare for people who need services and supports at home is also part of the right to community integration. For people like Agnes McCray, it is essential but her access to it is far from readily available.
NY Caring Majority www.nycaringmajority.org. NYCM recently launched ICantFindHomeCare.com to help gather data on the extent of the homecare workforce shortage.