“In the Dark” – Them+Us Media looks at anxiety, confusion around broken Troy streetlights

Tyler McNeil, a reporter for Them+Us Media, joined HMM to discuss his article, “‘In the Dark’: Troy activists urge streetlight triage to deter crime, anxiety.”
Many Trojans may have noticed areas of the city with non-functioning streetlights, but what seems less understood is the process of getting streetlights fixed. While the City of Troy is in the process of buying Troy’s lights, National Grid, which has a monopoly in the region, relies on communities to report when service is out. McNeil’s article also delves into intersectional issues like redlining, crime, and anxiety. Read the full article here: themandusmedia.com/2020/08/27/in-the-dark-troy-activists-urge-streetlight-triage-to-deter-crime-anxiety-in-troy/
Photo: Them+Us Media