Birth Justice Ep. 2 – Brigitte Rhody-Garrison Discusses Challenges In Providing Out of Hospital Care

Radio intro:
Now we go to HMM’s Catherine Rafferty for the second installment in the Birth Justice podcast.
Welcome to the Birth Justice podcast where we interview birth workers, birthing people and activists around the topics of advocacy, equity, autonomy, and respect in childbearing and reproductive care.
Brigitte Rhody-Garrison, certified nurse midwife from Rochester, NY, to talk about her work as a home birth midwife and discusses challenges in offering out-of-hospital birth care in New York. Interview by Catherine Rafferty. Photo courtesy of Brigitte Rhody-Garrison.
Radio outro:
You just heard the Birth Justice podcast with Catherine Rafferty and guest Brigitte Rhody-Garrison, certified nurse midwife, from Rochester, NY.