Sandra Steingraber Live 10 – 7-19

Biologist, author, and cancer survivor, Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D. writes about climate change, ecology, and the links between human health and the environment. She’s also the subject of the documentary Unfractured, a film focused on the fight to end fracking and fracked gas infrastructure in New York State.
Mothers Out Front – Duchess County – invite you to a screening of “Unfractured,” a hopeful documentary film by Chanda Chevannes about fighting with your whole heart featuring environmental activist Sandra Steingraber.
@ VASSAR COLLEGE Spitzer Auditorium
Sanders Hall 212
7PM, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019. Public invited– no admission fee.
Q & A will be conducted by Doug Couchon, activist, who is featured in the film
Wine and Cheese Reception to Follow
DIRECTIONS: 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604. Enter at MAIN GATE (Raymond Ave). Park along this road as close to the Main Building that faces you. Walk to the right, a tenth of a mile to Eleanor Butler Sanders Hall, Rm 212. Allow about 20 minutes or so to park and arrive at Sanders Hall. Sanders is to the left of the building that has a statue of Benjamin Franklin in front.