On August 15, youth fellows Muzzamil Moate and Aljahraun Wright and mentors Kathy High and Alycia Bacon took a solar pontoon boat trip along the Albany waterfront with Scott Kellogg of Radix Ecological Sustainability Center. Scott showed us examples of where and how sewage contamination enters the Hudson River through combined sewer overflow, and took fellows to view several “floating islands” he has constructed with at Radix with youth and community participation. These islands are designed to aid in water restoration and habitat improvement, providing shelter for plants, animals, and other life while also assisting in nutrient cycling. Aljahraun and Muzzamil interviewed Scott during the boat ride. Listen to their interview here!

During the boat ride, Aljahraun interviewed Scott about his work, contamination in the river, and how community members can get involved in repairing our relationships with local waterways. Aljajraun and Muzzamil interviewed Scott during the boat ride. Listen to their interview here! In 2022, Muzzamil interviewed Scott about his experiences on the water, water restoration, and how he came to pilot a solar boat. His interview is archived in our 2022 Source to Estuary interviews.