Sarah Abraham

Sarah Abraham began working with the Sanctuary for Independent Media in January of 2022. Sarah is a student at the State University at Albany, studying Communication, with a minor in Journalism. Her primary interests include caring for people’s wellbeing, social media, animals, and wanting to bring joy to others around her. She was very curious about learning more from her own culture and beliefs, so at SUNY Albany, she was a part of the ASIA club (Albany State India Alliance), debate club, and CRU (campus crusaders- a Christian club). These interests helped form her main theme in covering stories about mental health in BIPOC communities and deconstructing the negative stigma around it. She wanted to help shed light about how sub-culture groups can react differently to one’s mental health, and even covered stories about the different types of therapy one can do to benefit their own mental health. She joined the Sancturary because she valued that they wrote stories for the community and by the community, and they gave her the freedom to cover stories about her interests in the broad topic of mental health. At The Sanctuary Sarah works as a host and producer for the Sanctuary’s radio show, the Hudson Mohawk Magazine (HMM). Her interviews for HMM primarily address mental health issues and ways to improve it within the community.