Sadie Anson

Sadie Anson (16)
Uptown Summer Youth Employee 2016
Project: Grandmother’s house
Listen to Sadie’s audio portrait here:
What project are you working on this summer?
The story I’m been working on is my grandmother has an old house. It’s about how she’s repairing it and just bringing it back to life, basically. She’s beautifying the neighborhood. I hope that people get inspired and want to beautify the neighborhood themselves when they hear the story.
How have you changed over the course of the summer? What have you learned?
Before this, I hadn’t told many stories. I didn’t feel that I was a storyteller, but it’s cool telling the stories. I’m more involved with the community now, and I’m doing the stories! That’s how I’ve changed. One thing I’ve learned while I’ve been here is how to garden properly. Like what it takes to grow stuff and how to properly treat a plant. I can foresee myself having a little garden at my future house.
What is the role of community gardens for you?
The importance of community gardens for me means not having to rely on a supermarket if it’s not too close – some supermarkets are really far away from people and they can’t really get it. A community garden is local, cheaper, healthier for the organic and everything.
What places or people are home to you?
My best friend is one of my homes. My grandmother’s house is home. I feel at home at my school. My home is a really close little school. It’s a program and it’s a really tight family, basically.