Janice Pride-Boone

Janice Pride-Boone, MD is a pediatrician practicing for more than 30 years. She is a Harvard Graduate, who is also trained as a Marriage & Family Therapist, with a special interest in Pediatric Obesity. She has practiced in the Capital Region through the years of 1987 to 1995, has worked in locations such as New Jersey, Tennessee, and Louisiana, and is now currently practicing with Seton Health back in Troy & Clifton Park!
Dr. Pride-Boone formed a non-profit, StrongMe!, more than 15 years ago and continues to work with families throughout the nation to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity. StrongMe! is a 12 week Structured Family Weight Management Program. At the end of the program, 90% of participants experience a stabilization in their Body Mass Index, as well as develop new and healthy habits in their diets, like an increase of fruit and vegetable intake.
Dr. Pride-Boone first got involved with the Sanctuary during our Uptown Summer ’13 “Food Science and Safety Tuesdays” program. She shared her knowledge to our community about safe, healthy, and affordable foods.