Ellie Markovitch

Ellie Markovitch captures reflections on the roles of food in our lives, the impact of food on community, and explores people’s relationships with cooking and eating. Born in Brazil, Ellie is now living in Troy with her husband and two children. A camera and recipes are the tools she uses at all times to communicate with, and built community. Multimedia Storyteller Ellie Markovitch conceived StoryHarvest, and produces and curates the KitchenSanctuary cooking series featuring “Neighborhood Chef ” and “DIY Snackshops.” Ellie works part-time as the Educational Programs Coordinator for the Agricultural Stewardship Association and is an active member of Chefs Consortium, which is an organization that raises awareness of local food systems. Her blog, StoryCooking, is bases on the roles of food in our community, relationships, and overall everyday lives. Ellie graduated with an MFA from RPI in Electronic Arts. She is an important part of the Sanctuary for Independent Media because without her, the KitchenSanctuary would not be as successful as it is today. We thank Ellie for all the hard work she puts in everyday to help out our community with food and media!