November 21, 2023

HMM 11 – 20 – 23

Today, on the Hudson Mohawk Magazine:

We begin with a report from Mark Dunlea on this past Saturday’s rally at the Capitol to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and the liberation of Palestine.

Then, Lex Figuereo, one of the founders of Saratoga Black Lives Matter, talks with Moses Nagel about the recent elections in Saratoga, the trial of Daryl Mount and other issues that Saratoga BLM is highlighting right now.

After that, retired meteorologist Hugh Johnson joins us for our weekly discussion, this time comparing the weather on past Thanksgivings and forecasting what’s in store for us this week.

Then, Elizabeth “EP” Press and Victoria Kereszi bring us news of a protest this past Saturday by the Save Burdett Birth Center Coalition outside of a St. Peter’s fundraiser urging attendees to allocate funds specifically to the birth center.

Finally, Carol Roberts from Troy Public Library recommends four books for young readers by native authors that offer different, broader perspectives on indigenous peoples.

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We use art and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of creative expression.

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