HMM 11 – 03 – 22
Today, on the Hudson Mohawk Magazine:
We begin with Ron Deutsch of Saratoga’s the Giving Circle talking with Mark Dunlea about the organization’s work in Uganda.
Then, our roaming labor respondent Wilie Terry reports on the November third Get Out the Vote rally at the Labor Temple in Albany.
Later on, Ama Kwakye is interviewed by H Bosh Jr for a Triple Es segment on her design business, Ama Kwakye Co..
After that, Rensselaer County District Attorney Mary Pat Donnelly speaks with Andrea Cunliffe about her reasons for pursuing a second term. They talk of justice, crime, process and solutions.
Finally, our poetry correspondent Thom Francis talks with local poet Elizabeth Gordon about poetry slams, sharpening metaphors, and how an open mic event in 2011 changed her writing forever.