January 16, 2025

Troy Library Update January 2025

Hear about some changes afoot at Troy Public Library from Tim Furgal, the Executive Director, in an update on his first 6 weeks on the job. He announces slight tweaking in the hours fror the main branch and Lansingburgh branch, scheduled to go into effect on 2/10. Tim notes a number of staff vacancies to be filled. He also discusses outreach efforts, including attending about 20 community events so far and anticipating a similar number in the next few weeks. Patrons are invited to stop by his office hours at the main branch on the last Friday of each month, and in Lansingburgh on the 2nd Friday of the month. Meanwhile, remediation efforts for the part of the Lansingburgh branch damaged by flooding months ago are stalling, but expected to resume soon. And upcoming work on the HVAC system in the main branch will allow for air conditioning in the summer. An important point not in the audio: Library Advocacy Day is scheduled for February 5th at the Legislative Office Building. Let lawmakers know you support your public library! For more details, visit www.thetroylibrary.org. To find other libraries in New York State, see www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/libs/#Find. Produced by Brea Barthel for Hudson Mohawk Magazine.

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