February 04, 2025

Talking With Poets: Mike Jurkovic at Restaurant Navona

Thom Francis welcomes Mike Jurkovic to the stage at Albany Poets Presents at Restaurant Navona in Albany, NY.

Mike Jurkovic‘s latest collection, “mooncussers,” was published by Luchador Press in 2022. Recent collections include “AmericanMental,” (Luchador Press 2019) and “Blue Fan Whirring” (Nirala Press, 2018). He is the president of Calling All Poets, New Paltz, NY. His reviews appear at All About Jazz and Lightwoodpress and he hosts New Jazz Excursions WIOX 91.3 FM. He loves Emily most of all.

On February 15, 2017, Mike was the guest poet at the Albany Poets Presents, a bi-monthly featured reader series hosted by Thom Francis at Restaurant Navona in Albany, NY.

Local poet Dan Wilcox noted in his blog that Mike “began appropriately enough with a poem looking at language as dangerous. A couple poems on mortality included “Gravity Gets Us All,” & “Breathing Issue” from a hospital visit. Mike … read poems about the new administration in Washington, including “Cloud Land,” “I’m the Next Guy” & a poem of revolt beginning “I can’t control myself these days…” Of course there was a poem for his wife, “Gather Here.”

For more information about Mike and Calling All Poets events in the Hudson Valley , go to callingallpoets.net

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