Dr. Steingraber On Climate Arrests Protesting Citibank

Dr. Sandra Steingraber demonstrated and was arrested at Citibank’s headquarters in New York City in June 2024 as part of the Summer of Heat campaign to end financing for fossil fuels by financial institutions. She talks to Mark Dunlea of Hudson Mohawk Magazine about the campaign and her arrests (she was arrested with both the scientists and the elders contingents), including her statement that “I did not become a biologist to write eulogies for the species I study.” (Sandra’s statement: sisterstem.org/2024/06/12/dr-sandra-steingraber-i-did-not-become-a-biologist-to-write-eulogies-for-the-species-i-study) (scientists’ letter ucs-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/global-warming/Scientists-Letter-to-Citi-june-2024.pdf)